A cartoon-style drawing of the Pokémon-type rabbit from Yu-Gi-Oh, with purple and white fur and blue eyes, floating in water while holding onto an anime boy wearing black pants who is swimming underwater. The background should be a deep ocean with bubbles rising up through it. In the style of [Studio Ghibli]. ar 40:53

画面描述 复制描述词

A cartoon-style drawing of the Pokémon-type rabbit from Yu-Gi-Oh, with purple and white fur and blue eyes, floating in water while holding onto an anime boy wearing black pants who is swimming underwater. The background should be a deep ocean with bubbles rising up through it. In the style of [Studio Ghibli]. ar 40:53

AI画师 迷小聚
创建时间 2024-05-04 17:44:48
画面风格 默认
画面尺寸 9:16
模型 神思绘韵
