穿着白色衣服和牛仔裤的可爱女孩,麻花辫,看向一侧,有趣的面部表情,夸张的姿势,卡通插画,水彩画,白色背景,干净背景,4kA cute girl in a white dress and blue jeans, with braided pigtails, looking to the side, an interesting facial expression, exaggerated poses, cartoon illustration, watercolor painting, white background, clean background, 4K.,,in clothes

画面描述 复制描述词

穿着白色衣服和牛仔裤的可爱女孩,麻花辫,看向一侧,有趣的面部表情,夸张的姿势,卡通插画,水彩画,白色背景,干净背景,4kA cute girl in a white dress and blue jeans, with braided pigtails, looking to the side, an interesting facial expression, exaggerated poses, cartoon illustration, watercolor painting, white background, clean background, 4K.,,in clothes

AI画师 3B8eq4S223c5
创建时间 2024-07-22 18:15:04
画面风格 治愈系漫画
画面尺寸 1:1
模型 神思绘韵
