Chinese style architecture, red maple trees by the lake in front of Chinesestyle buildings, colorful photo, dark gray and light pink styles, stone garden landscape design, charming scenery, high definition photography, surrealism, water reflection.8K​

画面描述 复制描述词

Chinese style architecture, red maple trees by the lake in front of Chinesestyle buildings, colorful photo, dark gray and light pink styles, stone garden landscape design, charming scenery, high definition photography, surrealism, water reflection.8K​

AI画师 虚空闲云
创建时间 2024-05-06 07:45:31
画面风格 超高清画质
画面尺寸 16:9
模型 神思绘韵

山石岩旁木公松 05-06 08:42

