秋天Ancient Chinese architectural watercolor painting, temple waterfall, realistic fantasy art style, anti-gravity architectural style, majestic, there are many buildings, palaces, super high details on the mountain, autumn, red maple leaves, fallen leaves falling, wild geese flying in the sky, under the mountain Terraced fields, mature crops, farmers working in the fields harvesting crops, mountain scenery super gravity rendering, high detail, high definition, illustration, white background, extreme highligh

画面描述 复制描述词

秋天Ancient Chinese architectural watercolor painting, temple waterfall, realistic fantasy art style, anti-gravity architectural style, majestic, there are many buildings, palaces, super high details on the mountain, autumn, red maple leaves, fallen leaves falling, wild geese flying in the sky, under the mountain Terraced fields, mature crops, farmers working in the fields harvesting crops, mountain scenery super gravity rendering, high detail, high definition, illustration, white background, extreme highligh

AI画师 baolin
创建时间 2024-03-18 12:53:11
画面风格 默认
画面尺寸 3:4
模型 神思绘韵
