voic.51webjs.comtos-cn-i-699z2ac540user%2Fae5c42cdd8a54721a42d1c22afead328.mf~tplv-699z2ac540-image.png The sky is covered with white clouds, and the setting sun shines on the tea mountain, lake surface, sea of clouds, green mountains and waters. The high definition photography photos show the real scenery with high resolution and a wideangle lens capturing the natural light and warm colors of the golden sunshine. The cloud pattern forms unique shapes like cotton candy, and the sky has scattered raindrops f

画面描述 复制描述词

voic.51webjs.comtos-cn-i-699z2ac540user%2Fae5c42cdd8a54721a42d1c22afead328.mf~tplv-699z2ac540-image.png The sky is covered with white clouds, and the setting sun shines on the tea mountain, lake surface, sea of clouds, green mountains and waters. The high definition photography photos show the real scenery with high resolution and a wideangle lens capturing the natural light and warm colors of the golden sunshine. The cloud pattern forms unique shapes like cotton candy, and the sky has scattered raindrops f

AI画师 h9G1uTV160fd
创建时间 2024-05-30 21:59:28
画面风格 默认
画面尺寸 9:16
模型 神思绘韵
