Chinese painting style, Tang Dynasty style, facial close-up of portrait, a handsome man wearing white clothes, with a good face, lips parted, laughing, upper teeth, smile, giggling, fair and smooth skin, exquisite face, sharp eyes, clear eyebrows, ultra clear facial close-up, flying hair, flowing sleeves, ancient Sui and Tang style, painting style reference Qiu Ying and Song Huizong, wind dance posture, FaceShot, VCU, Fantasy style martial arts style with traditional techniques reimagined, octane rendering

画面描述 复制描述词

Chinese painting style, Tang Dynasty style, facial close-up of portrait, a handsome man wearing white clothes, with a good face, lips parted, laughing, upper teeth, smile, giggling, fair and smooth skin, exquisite face, sharp eyes, clear eyebrows, ultra clear facial close-up, flying hair, flowing sleeves, ancient Sui and Tang style, painting style reference Qiu Ying and Song Huizong, wind dance posture, FaceShot, VCU, Fantasy style martial arts style with traditional techniques reimagined, octane rendering

AI画师 方承意夫人
创建时间 2024-09-11 23:07:45
画面风格 默认
画面尺寸 9:16
模型 神思绘韵

AbRIx5228432 09-19 21:14



IzQe3yE21d16 09-19 12:21


雨露 09-16 16:12


⸝⸝ ᷇࿀ ᷆⸝⸝

⸝⸝ ᷇࿀ ᷆⸝⸝ 09-13 00:14

