The giant bougainvillea tree in front of the house is full and purple, 地上满地都是粉色的花瓣,with many flowers blooming on it like colorful clouds. The shape resembles an oversized round ball that covers part of two houses next to each other. There's also some tables and chairs under its shade where people can sit down for food or drinks., high resolution photography,

画面描述 复制描述词

The giant bougainvillea tree in front of the house is full and purple, 地上满地都是粉色的花瓣,with many flowers blooming on it like colorful clouds. The shape resembles an oversized round ball that covers part of two houses next to each other. There's also some tables and chairs under its shade where people can sit down for food or drinks., high resolution photography,

AI画师 abceeevvv
创建时间 2024-07-15 23:11:06
画面风格 超高清画质
画面尺寸 3:4
模型 神思绘韵

毕加索大师 07-22 09:45

