- movie still Kodak,Portra,400 8k The story is a six-part event drama that surrounds the invisible men and women who fight f or their country (Australia), what they bring home from the war, discovering what of themse lves they've left behind, the secrets that must remain hidden; With a compelling mystery re garding a possible cover-up where the lines cross between killer and family man, hero and victim, truth and imagination or fantasy, are constantly changing.

画面描述 复制描述词

- movie still Kodak,Portra,400 8k The story is a six-part event drama that surrounds the invisible men and women who fight f or their country (Australia), what they bring home from the war, discovering what of themse lves they've left behind, the secrets that must remain hidden; With a compelling mystery re garding a possible cover-up where the lines cross between killer and family man, hero and victim, truth and imagination or fantasy, are constantly changing.

AI画师 zoo069
创建时间 2023-12-27 00:12:48
画面风格 默认
画面尺寸 16:9
模型 神思绘韵

zkq069 12-28 14:32

