中国乡下农村,新春佳节,贴春联,贴门神,男女老少走访登门弯腰拱手拜年,张灯结彩,放烟花,放鞭炮,舞龙,舞狮,舞花灯,搭春台,演戏曲,Chinese naive folk art illustrantional, van gogh and Faith Ringgold style, collected Moma, Landscape of Guilin, People mind their own business, vivid color, fauvism, expreesionism, abstract, 4k, best quaility, ultra detailed

画面描述 复制描述词

中国乡下农村,新春佳节,贴春联,贴门神,男女老少走访登门弯腰拱手拜年,张灯结彩,放烟花,放鞭炮,舞龙,舞狮,舞花灯,搭春台,演戏曲,Chinese naive folk art illustrantional, van gogh and Faith Ringgold style, collected Moma, Landscape of Guilin, People mind their own business, vivid color, fauvism, expreesionism, abstract, 4k, best quaility, ultra detailed

AI画师 艾民艺
创建时间 2024-02-04 20:36:52
画面风格 宫崎骏
画面尺寸 16:9
模型 神思绘韵

かい 02-06 19:30

