The photograph shows a chicken, with an umbrella, drenched, feathers dripping, standing in a puddle, pouring rain, pouring down, finely detailed, realistic, real and fine scene, with city streets in the background, people running in a hurry to avoid the rain, blurred background, commercial photography, master photography, masterpiece,ar3:4

画面描述 复制描述词

The photograph shows a chicken, with an umbrella, drenched, feathers dripping, standing in a puddle, pouring rain, pouring down, finely detailed, realistic, real and fine scene, with city streets in the background, people running in a hurry to avoid the rain, blurred background, commercial photography, master photography, masterpiece,ar3:4

AI画师 奶奶
创建时间 2024-08-25 11:38:24
画面风格 默认
画面尺寸 3:4
模型 神思绘韵
