图像描述(中英文):中文版:雪打梅花呈画意,寒梅傲雪独自开。在这幅画面中,我们可以看到一株孤独的梅花树在严冬中挺立,树枝上挂满了洁白的雪花。梅花花瓣上凝结着晶莹的冰珠,仿佛是大自然的杰作。整个场景给人一种宁静、高洁的感觉,展现了梅花在严寒中的顽强生命力。英文版:Snowflakes flutter against the plum blossoms, forming a picturesque scene. In this image, we can see a solitary plum tree standing tall in the midst of the cold winter, its branches adorned with snowflakes. The petals of the plum blossoms are coated with sparkling ice crystals, as if nature's own masterpiece. The entire scene exudes a sense of tranquility and nobility, showc

画面描述 复制描述词

图像描述(中英文):中文版:雪打梅花呈画意,寒梅傲雪独自开。在这幅画面中,我们可以看到一株孤独的梅花树在严冬中挺立,树枝上挂满了洁白的雪花。梅花花瓣上凝结着晶莹的冰珠,仿佛是大自然的杰作。整个场景给人一种宁静、高洁的感觉,展现了梅花在严寒中的顽强生命力。英文版:Snowflakes flutter against the plum blossoms, forming a picturesque scene. In this image, we can see a solitary plum tree standing tall in the midst of the cold winter, its branches adorned with snowflakes. The petals of the plum blossoms are coated with sparkling ice crystals, as if nature's own masterpiece. The entire scene exudes a sense of tranquility and nobility, showc

AI画师 有间小店
创建时间 2024-01-10 07:43:33
画面风格 默认
画面尺寸 3:4
模型 神思绘韵
