voic.51webjs.comtos-cn-i-699z2ac540user%2Fa34d5d6083cb4af8826cd734ae6f5710.mf~tplv-699z2ac540-image.png A white frog is sitting on the branch of an umbrella tree, holding up its head with one hand and drinking water from a bottle in its other hand. It is raining heavily outside, with green grassy ground and green background. Purple flowers are shown with raindrops falling on leaves and water droplets splashing. The style is cute with a fantasy, fairy tale world depicted in high definition photography with b

画面描述 复制描述词

voic.51webjs.comtos-cn-i-699z2ac540user%2Fa34d5d6083cb4af8826cd734ae6f5710.mf~tplv-699z2ac540-image.png A white frog is sitting on the branch of an umbrella tree, holding up its head with one hand and drinking water from a bottle in its other hand. It is raining heavily outside, with green grassy ground and green background. Purple flowers are shown with raindrops falling on leaves and water droplets splashing. The style is cute with a fantasy, fairy tale world depicted in high definition photography with b

AI画师 h9G1uTV160fd
创建时间 2024-05-16 17:03:01
画面风格 默认
画面尺寸 9:16
模型 神思绘韵
