Cute skull toyart with transparent acrilic body covering the bones, pink,3D icon, white, clay material isometric,3D rendering, smooth ashiny, vinyl figure, toy art, realistic use of light and color, soft gradient, cute style, glossy,honey style, nintendo trendy, best details, high definition, high resolution

画面描述 复制描述词

Cute skull toyart with transparent acrilic body covering the bones, pink,3D icon, white, clay material isometric,3D rendering, smooth ashiny, vinyl figure, toy art, realistic use of light and color, soft gradient, cute style, glossy,honey style, nintendo trendy, best details, high definition, high resolution

AI画师 应禾
创建时间 2024-05-20 20:15:14
画面风格 泡泡玛特
画面尺寸 9:16
模型 神思绘韵
