主体:A huge realistic brown bear hides in the woods next to the green lake in the primeval forest, raises its paws, opens its mouth and roars very angrily(一只巨大的写实棕熊躲在原始森林中绿湖旁的树林里,扬起爪子,张开嘴巴非常愤怒地吼叫着)🤘🏻前景:a tiny male explorer sits by the lake with a large fish in his hands.(一个微小的男性探险家坐在湖边,手里拿着一条大鱼)🤘🏻环境:Misty foggy(朦胧的雾气)

画面描述 复制描述词

主体:A huge realistic brown bear hides in the woods next to the green lake in the primeval forest, raises its paws, opens its mouth and roars very angrily(一只巨大的写实棕熊躲在原始森林中绿湖旁的树林里,扬起爪子,张开嘴巴非常愤怒地吼叫着)🤘🏻前景:a tiny male explorer sits by the lake with a large fish in his hands.(一个微小的男性探险家坐在湖边,手里拿着一条大鱼)🤘🏻环境:Misty foggy(朦胧的雾气)

AI画师 双口吕
创建时间 2024-10-13 14:00:09
画面风格 默认
画面尺寸 3:4
模型 神思绘韵
