Animated illustrations in Xu Beihong's style depict the enchanting beauty of the ancient Chinese town of Longjiao, with vivid colors and lively brushstrokes embodying lifelike scenes, traditional buildings, narrow streets and flowery markets creating a nostalgic atmosphere, and dragon motifs and intricate details decorating the buildings, adding an air of myth and legend-s500

画面描述 复制描述词

Animated illustrations in Xu Beihong's style depict the enchanting beauty of the ancient Chinese town of Longjiao, with vivid colors and lively brushstrokes embodying lifelike scenes, traditional buildings, narrow streets and flowery markets creating a nostalgic atmosphere, and dragon motifs and intricate details decorating the buildings, adding an air of myth and legend-s500

AI画师 睿元设计
创建时间 2024-06-01 07:32:00
画面风格 素描
画面尺寸 3:4
模型 神思绘韵
