3D miniature lanDscape, spring, glass flowers, mountain forest, glass green leaves, transparent trees, people walking on the roaD, white anD pink, blue sky, glass texture, transparency, Soft sculptural, Dream-realist-style renDering of scenes using a wiDe-angle lens anD Depth of fielD to create a paper-art illustration-style octagonal renDering, Sparkling anD translucent, axial photographic effects anD ultra-clear Details, bright colors, bolD color combinations, blurreD foregrounD.

画面描述 复制描述词

3D miniature lanDscape, spring, glass flowers, mountain forest, glass green leaves, transparent trees, people walking on the roaD, white anD pink, blue sky, glass texture, transparency, Soft sculptural, Dream-realist-style renDering of scenes using a wiDe-angle lens anD Depth of fielD to create a paper-art illustration-style octagonal renDering, Sparkling anD translucent, axial photographic effects anD ultra-clear Details, bright colors, bolD color combinations, blurreD foregrounD.

AI画师 少壮
创建时间 2024-05-29 01:47:10
画面风格 3D渲染
画面尺寸 3:4
模型 神思绘韵

扶光若微 07-05 01:41
