3D rendering of the exterior design, modern courtyard with low walls and roof tiles in the style of Chinese style, surrounded by green trees, flower pots on each side, large windows overlooking blue sky and white clouds, garden furniture, natural light, warm colors, bright sunshine, vibrant flowers blooming, green plants swaying gently. In the style of Cloudepunk style, eye-catching details, ArtStation trend, high resolution.

画面描述 复制描述词

3D rendering of the exterior design, modern courtyard with low walls and roof tiles in the style of Chinese style, surrounded by green trees, flower pots on each side, large windows overlooking blue sky and white clouds, garden furniture, natural light, warm colors, bright sunshine, vibrant flowers blooming, green plants swaying gently. In the style of Cloudepunk style, eye-catching details, ArtStation trend, high resolution.

AI画师 向儿葵
创建时间 2024-03-23 19:52:09
画面风格 超真实
画面尺寸 3:4
模型 神思绘韵
