东方美学 |云中宫殿咒语:天空中一座雄伟的宫殿,沐浴在金色和蓝宝石蓝色的色调中,装饰着中国玉石元素,在天界的白云中,空灵的薄雾增强了宏伟的奇观,风格为深白色、金色和浅蓝色天空的调色板,以分层纤维和有机雕刻为特色,重点是堆叠的焦点和远处的景色A majestic palace in the sky, bathed in hues of gold and sapphire blue, adorned with Chinese jade elements, amidst white clouds in a celestial realm, ethereal mist enhancing the grand spectacle, styled in a palette of deep white, gold, and light sky blue, featuring layered fibres and organic carvings, with a focus on stacked focal points and distant views#美术置景 #灵感分享 #艺术审美 #灵感积累 #灵感设计 #建筑设计

画面描述 复制描述词

东方美学 |云中宫殿咒语:天空中一座雄伟的宫殿,沐浴在金色和蓝宝石蓝色的色调中,装饰着中国玉石元素,在天界的白云中,空灵的薄雾增强了宏伟的奇观,风格为深白色、金色和浅蓝色天空的调色板,以分层纤维和有机雕刻为特色,重点是堆叠的焦点和远处的景色A majestic palace in the sky, bathed in hues of gold and sapphire blue, adorned with Chinese jade elements, amidst white clouds in a celestial realm, ethereal mist enhancing the grand spectacle, styled in a palette of deep white, gold, and light sky blue, featuring layered fibres and organic carvings, with a focus on stacked focal points and distant views#美术置景 #灵感分享 #艺术审美 #灵感积累 #灵感设计 #建筑设计

AI画师 baolin
创建时间 2024-04-19 17:30:12
画面风格 默认
画面尺寸 3:4
模型 神思绘韵

JACK 04-19 20:48

