小桥 美女 天鹅 白云 大树 小草
清明节💌 Midjourney 万能提示词公式:主题描述(修饰词+主体+场景+人物动作)环境场景(环境+光线+氛围+色系)艺术风格(国潮插画油画+艺术家名字+电影风格)像机视角(特写镜头,鱼眼镜头,一点透视,广角镜头)精度定义(高品质,超级细节,8K,尺寸)prompt 例如:Traditional Chinese pattern background, heavy rain in the rainy season, flying swallows, distant mountains and rivers, a doll riding on the back of a buffalo, blooming flowers on a small house at the foot of the mountain, light green gradient sky, the overall color scheme is mainly green and gold. The illustration style has delicate lines and smooth curves, giving it a s
清明节💌 Midjourney 万能提示词公式:主题描述(修饰词+主体+场景+人物动作)环境场景(环境+光线+氛围+色系)艺术风格(国潮插画油画+艺术家名字+电影风格)像机视角(特写镜头,鱼眼镜头,一点透视,广角镜头)精度定义(高品质,超级细节,8K,尺寸)prompt 例如:Traditional Chinese pattern background, heavy rain in the rainy season, flying swallows, distant mountains and rivers, a doll riding on the back of a buffalo, blooming flowers on a small house at the foot of the mountain, light green gradient sky, the overall color scheme is mainly green and gold. The illustration style has delicate lines and smooth curves, giving it a s
一轮明月照亮中国,白水泉边日月昇明,山石岩旁木公劲松,墙角数枝梅,凌寒独自升,遥知不是雪,唯有暗香来, 明月松间照。清泉石上流。