彩色的鹅卵石 手机屏保
三维古风,微缩景观,移轴摄影 产品摄影,,3D渲染的一座古代建筑,大面积留白,浅景深,微缩景观,微观视角,意境水墨,立体山水,透明亚克力,吴冠中,暖光的发光二极管,透明材质,磨砂玻璃材质,玻璃纹理,手办,树脂,雕塑,留白的纯色背景,Q版,超萌的可爱,产品摄影,背光,轮廓光,摄影棚灯光,丁达尔效应,微缩山水,CPU,三维水墨,山水,炫彩光影,生物发光,发光板,立体,3D渲染,3D,135mm微距镜头,特写,真实照片,摄影感,3d,胶片质感,Harry Clarke,octane render,强烈的光感,高质量,高清晰度,高锐化,正视图,平视,吴冠中,
Open holographic magic book with 3d model ofShangHai grow from this , holographic style , ultra detai ! at night ar 3 : 4 # midjourney
咒语:3D rendering , C4d , cartoon Q version , a little girl dressed in traditional Chinese dress dancing in mid-air , the style is lovely , blue and green color matching , light brown background . simple pen art style , she has beautiful hair . delicate features , flowing skirt , super exquisite , full body ar 3 : 4
Miniature landscape , landscape bamboo forest , a black and white panda , in a glass bowl , 3d stereo effect of the mountain , blue and green color , gold lines , natural light , blurred foreground , HD 8k